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Affilliate Partners: Little League® Baseball and New York District 8

Syracuse Little League Baseball & Softball


Frequently Asked Questions

How is Syracuse Little League structured?

Syracuse Little League is managed by an elected Board of Directors that administers the league in line with established bylaws, local rules and policies. The league is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization.

Syracuse Little League is comprised of:

Baseball Divisions

  • Tee Ball - Introduction to baseball. Ages 4-6
  • B Minors (Coach Pitch) - Emphasis on learning. Ages 6-9 (Age 6 must have played T Ball)
  • AAA Minors - Competitive. Tryouts held in April. Ages 8-11 (Most age 8 play B Minors)
  • Majors - Highly competitive division. Tryouts held in April. Ages 10-12
  • 50/70 - Highly competitive travel division Age 13
  • Juniors - Highly competitive travel division. Ages 13-14
  • Seniors - Highly competitive travel division. Ages 15-16

Softball Divisions (All Divisions Travel)

  • Coach Pitch - Emphasis on learning. Coach pitch. Ages 7-8
  • Minors - Competitive. Ages 9-10
  • Majors - Highly competitive division. Ages 11-12
  • Juniors - Highly competitive division. Ages 13-14
  • Seniors - Highly competitive division. Ages 15-16
When are baseball player evaluations held?
Player evaluations are held for all kids who wish to play at the AAA and Majors baseball levels (both new and returning players).  This would include players that are league age 9-12 and any 8-year-olds who wish to try out for the AAA level.  Tryouts last approximately 30 minutes. About 8 kids tryout together. During this session, kids are evaluated by coaches doing the following: 1) throwing and catching 2) fielding a ground ball and throwing to first 3) catching a pop up and throwing to a catcher 4) running the bases 5) hitting in the batting cage.
How does the baseball draft work?
Shortly after player evaluations, each division holds a draft of eligible players. Coaches select their teams until they are full (usually 11-12 players per team). The number of teams by division depends on number of signups and how player evaluations go. This year, we expect to have approximately 4-5 Majors teams, 6-7 AAA teams,  7-8 B teams and 8-10 Tee Ball teams.
When does the season begin and end?
Please check the calendar on the Syracuse Little League web page for exact league dates and events. Typically, the spring season begins in late April. An Opening Day event kicks off the first games of the season. The regular game season usually lasts through mid-June, including divisional playoff games. The season is extended for players that are selected to the District 8 All-Star tournament teams.
How does the baseball All Star Program work?
Syracuse Little League will fields a minimum of three All-Star teams - an age 9-10 team, 10-11 team and a 11-12 team.
11-12 team - Selected by Majors head coaches in early June. Practice begins around June 15th. The games begin late June.
10-11 team - Selected by collaboration between Majors head coaches. Practice can begin around June 15th. The games are early / mid July.
9-10 team - Selected by collaboration between Majors and AAA head coaches. Practice can begin around June 15th.  The games are early / mid July.
Where are the games and practices held?
See the directions area for locations of the fields.
What time and days are the games played?
Games are played during the week starting at 6pm and on two weekends; opening day and picture day.
When will I find out what team my child will play on?
All teams should be formed by mid April. Your child's manager will notify you of the team's first meeting in late April. If you don't hear from a team manager by the end of April please contact a league official.
When will the practices begin?
The goal is for teams to be in a position to begin practices at least couple of weeks before Opening Day.
How often and long will my child practice?
Practice frequency and duration are up to the team manager. Generally, it is recommended that Tee Ball and B Minors teams practice one time per week for about an hour. AAA through Seniors average two times a week for anywhere from 60-90 minutes. Practice frequency is usually more often prior to the start of the season.
What equipment will my child need before the first practice or game?
If your child is in Tee Ball they will only need a helmet and glove. All other players should have a helmet, glove, grey baseball pants, a protective cup, and rubber molded cleats. A baseball bag is recommended to transport bats, batting gloves, water bottles, hats, and other items. Please label your child’s belongings with his/her name.
Are there any uniform supplies my child needs?
All players are provided with a uniform shirt and hat which are coordinated with their team colors and logo. Players need to provide their own gray baseball pants - you can buy them from Syracuse Little League at a discounted price or anywhere you choose (such as Wal-Mart, Target, or Dick's Sporting Goods). Players will receive uniforms prior to their first game.
If my child decides to quit, can I get a refund?
Registration fees are refundable up until the time that a player is assigned to a team. Once a player is assigned to a team, and before the regular season begins, refunds will be granted only in special circumstances. No refunds will be granted after the season begins.
Are there conduct rules that apply during the games?
Syracuse Little League has a ZERO tolerance policy and does not tolerate foul language or taunting at any level by the players, parents, managers, or coaches. Any spectator, player, manager or coach that is warned is subject to being ejected from the premises and banned from the complex for additional games. Smoking is not allowed anywhere on Syracuse Little League property.
Who do I contact if I have a problem that needs to be resolved by the league?
If at any time you have a problem or just want information, please contact us. However, please first discuss any concerns with your child's manager, and then with the division's player-agent (who is a Board Member assigned to oversee that Division). Contact information is on the web site under the Board of Directors link.

Contact Us

Syracuse Little League

P.O. Box 15335 
Syracuse, New York 13215

Email Us: [email protected]
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